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Comprehensive Child Marriage Research Library

Childhood Experiences of Sexual Violence, Pregnancy, and Marriage Associated With Child Sex Trafficking Among Female Sex Workers in Two US–Mexico Border Cities


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Boyce, Sabrina C, MPH; Brouwer, Kimberly C, PhD; Triplett, Daniel, MPH; Servin, Argentina E, MD; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos, MD; Silverman, Jay G, PhD

Journal Article

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American Journal of Public Health

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Students Against Child Marriage's Object Summary:

This study explores whether or not child pregnancy marriage, and sexual violence before the age of 16 creates increased vulnerabilities that increase the chance that a child will become a victim of child sex trafficking in two United States-Mexico border towns: San Diego, California–Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas– Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The study found that of the female sex-workers interviewed who had been sex trafficked as children, almost all of them had been pregnant, married, and experienced sexual violence before the age of 16. They found that the average age of pregnancy was 14, average of marriage was before 14, and that average age of first experience of sexual violence was between 10 and 12. The authors recommend that these ages and factors be used by Mexican medical and service providers working with children to identify girls who may be at the greatest risk of sex trafficking for intervention and increased support.

Article Abstract (If Available):

To quantitatively assess the relationships of childhood experiences of marriage, pregnancy, and sexual violence with underage sex trafficking. Cross-sectional survey data from a population-based sample of 603 female sex workers from Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, were collected in 2013 and 2014, and we analyzed the data to evaluate relationships between pregnancy, marriage, and sexual violence when younger than 16 years, and child sex trafficking. Adjusted odds of child sex trafficking among those who experienced pregnancy, marriage, and childhood sexual violence when younger than 16 years in combined models were 2.8 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.8, 4.3), 1.7 (95% CI = 0.99, 2.8), and 1.7 (95% CI = 1.01, 3.0), respectively, relative to others (n = 603). For 89.8%, 78.0%, and 97.0% of those who had an experience of pregnancy (n = 69), marriage (n = 50), or sexual violence (n = 33) when younger than 16 years, respectively, the experience occurred before or the same year as sex trafficking. These results provide empirical evidence of modifiable risk factors for child sex trafficking that could be integrated into the prevention efforts and protocols of health clinics and governmental agencies in Mexico currently working to reduce underage pregnancy, marriage, and sexual violence.

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